When I was small, My family planted a row of Aloe vera under our large windows that faced the deep green of native plants in the vacant lot.Continue Reading
What do you think of when you hear “tyrannosaur”? I bet you thought of T-Rex. But did you know that there are over twenty-five species of tyrannosaur species, big and small, spanning millions of years? Before I visited the…
The film Hidden Figures follows the stories of three African-American women critical to the American space race. While the movie didn’t win any Oscars, despite three nominations, it did a phenomenal job at the box office. Movies like this…
The quote may seem random, but on some calendars, May 1st is Save the Rhino Day.…
To wrap up February on this very fine leap day, I present to you an interview with a colleague of mine, Anthony Morgan, who’s up to some interesting things in science communication. We chatted about why science matters and…