
Saturday Morning Cartoons: Dying Stars, the glass half-full and seeing the invisible

I love cartoons. The only shows that I consistently watch are cartoons. Yes, I am a grown up. But there’s just something about animation that I love. Sometimes the scenes can be awe-inspiring because somebody had to draw it. On a more relevant note, nothing beats visuals when I need to learn something.

If you grew up in the 80s and 90s you remember Saturday morning cartoons. They were the early hours of Saturday when it was all wonderful animated adventures. In honor of that childhood glory here is a selection of science animations for your Saturday morning viewing.

What happens when a star dies? with Brit Lab

James May describes the things that can happen when a star dies using fun “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”-style animation. My partner sent me this video and I just had to share it.


Is the glass half empty or half full? with ASAP Science

According to the folks at ASAP Science, pessimism may be genetic and actually better for you in the long run.


Animated Life: Seeing the Invisible by NY Times Video

This enchanting video created by the ladies at Sweet Fern Productions sent my heart all a-flutter. It celebrates Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a microscope-maker who caught the first glimpses at the microbial world. The puppetry is absolutely charming and the micro-beasties are gorgeously animated.

Have a good weekend!

Dr Ash Signature


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